Innovative Complete Machining for Every Application
DMG MORI supports the demanding machining of highly complex work pieces with a wide 5-axis range.
While 5-axis machining was initially an answer to the trend towards increasingly complex work pieces, today it is increasingly promoting this development and has long been part of mass production in many industries, including aerospace, automotive, medical, toolmaking and mold making sectors. DMG MORI has been supporting these trend-setting industries with innovative manufacturing solutions for many years. The machine tool manufacturer will be showing a representative cross-section of its wide-ranging 5-axis portfolio during the Innovation Days in Chicago. A highlight of the exhibition is the DMU 50 3rd Generation. The US premiere demonstrates DMG MORI in an automated version with PH 150 pallet handling. Further models from the monoBLOCK and duoBLOCK series, a DMU 60 eVo linear as well as two ULTRASONIC machining centers and the LASERTEC 3D machines for additive manufacturing round off the 5-axis trade fair program
DMU 50 3rd Generation with PH 150: Meeting the 5-axis requirements of tomorrow
While redeveloping the DMU 50 3rd Generation, DMG MORI has managed to harmonize the modern appearance of the design with user-friendly operation. The large, smooth opening door to the work area, for example, with a width of 35 inches ensures unrestricted access from the front, even in combination with automation solutions. The table also has an ergonomic loading height of 32 inches. The optimum accessibility of the DMU 50 3rd Generation even encompasses maintenance components such as the control cabinet, fluid box, oil mist separator, heat exchanger and cooling unit.
Travel paths of 26 x 21 x 19 inches and work piece weights of up to 661 lbs. mean the DMU 50 3rd generation covers a wide range of components. Its new NC swivel-rotary table with an enlarged swivel range of -35°/+110° boosts this versatility. A rapid traverse of 42 m./min. and 30 rpm in the swivel-rotary axis ensure the dynamics for 5-axis to 5-axis simultaneous machining. In addition to the 15,000-rpm speedMASTER motor spindle, the user can also choose between motor spindles with up to a 20,000-rpm. Uniting all of DMG MORI’s expertise, the MASTER motor spindle series is characterized by high reliability and a significantly longer lifecycle compared to conventional spindles. This is the reason DMG MORI provides a 36-month warranty on the spindles in this series – without any hourly limit. Also available as an option is an expanded tool magazine with up to 120 pockets. There are 30 tool pockets in the standard version. With a PH 150 palette handling DMG MORI increases the productivity of the DMU 50 3rd Generation. It offers space for up to 24 pallets with a pallet size of ø 20 x 20 inches and a work piece weight of up to 551 lbs.
DMU 75 monoBLOCK / DMU 95 monoBLOCK: Productive machining solution with monoBLOCK basis
The DMU 75 monoBLOCK and DMU 95 monoBLOCK machines offer top features from the ground up for many industries such as die and mold, aerospace, or energy – with a 20,000 rpm speedMASTER motor spindle with 36-month warranty without any hourly limit. Both machines have a tool magazine with 60 pockets, and 30 inches, respectively 37 inches traverse on the X-axis. On a footprint of 86 ft² and 132.4 ft² work pieces up to 33 inches and 41 inches in diameter can be machined. The working area can also be loaded from above without difficulty. Three different 3D control systems and the integrated MPC (Machine Protection Control) round off this unique 5-axis complete solution.
The monoBLOCK machine concept is the ideal basis for sophisticated applications in demanding industries. And its ergonomic design ensures a user-friendly operation. Work pieces can be loaded easily from the top by crane, chips are disposed from the machine to the rear large chip chute. The machine’s 3-point-support allows an easy installation. Stainless steel covers in the working are guarantee a high stability of value. Several options like different tool carriers, measuring sensors, and a production package are available for a plus in productivity. DMG MORI also offers two control options. The DMU 75 monoBLOCK as well as the DMU 95 monoBLOCK are equipped with CELOS and customers can chose between Operate 4.7 on SIEMENS 840D solutionline or HEIDENHAIN TNC 640. Additionally, MPC (Machine Protection Control) is a preventative protection of machine and tools thanks to vibration sensors on the cutter spindle.
duoBLOCK series: Precision, performance, and efficiency
With about 4,500 duoBLOCK series machines successfully sold, DMG MORI has materially dictated the development of 5-axis simultaneous machining. Over the years, the duoBLOCK concept has been improved continuously resulting in the fourth generation with further enhanced flexibility and productivity. An optimized rigidity and innovative cooling systems lead to 30 percent higher accuracy whereas the portfolio of MASTER spindles with offers best choices for high-performance manufacturing – either in high-speed machining with up to 20,000 rpm or heavy-duty milling with gear-driven torqueMASTER spindles. They achieve up to 1,328 ft-lbs. During Innovation Days, DMG MORI will be demonstrating the DMC 80 FD duoBLOCK and DMC 125 FD duoBLOCK as examples for the most productive complete machining – using milling and turning operations in one setup. Furthermore, both models have a pallet changer that allows users to set up new parts during the machining process.
DMU 60 eVo linear: Innovative machine concept for demanding industries
The DMU 60 eVo linear combines the flexibility of modern universal milling machines and the performance of vertical machining centers. Highlights such as the innovative machine concept, the optional linear drives in the X- and Y-axes and the tried-and-tested swivelling rotary table are features that give these machines maximized productivity and flexibility for applications in mechanical engineering, die and mold, medical, automotive or aerospace. The NC swivelling rotary table with its wide swivel range allows 5-axis simultaneous interpolation for machining optimal surfaces and expands the possible applications of these machines in all fields, both in the complete machining of individual parts and in series production.
Perfectly coordinated high-tech features in a compact design guarantee high precision and efficiency. For example, the tool changer with double gripper offers impressive speed and a 5-second chip-to-chip time, while the versatile magazine options provide flexibility for housing 30, 60, 120 or even 210 tools. The wear-free linear drives in the X- and Y-axes of the dynamic variant boast unparalleled precision and 80 m./min. rapid traverse. In addition to the standard 20,000 rpm speedMASTER motor spindle, 15,000, 24,000 and 40,000 rpm spindles provide tailored solutions for all requirements. An internal coolant supply of up to 80 bar and minimum quantity lubrication are further options that guarantee optimal results with excellent surface quality.
ULTRASONIC machining: Complete machining of advanced materials
For many years, DMG MORI has been offering high-performance machine tools with ULTRASONIC technology for 5-axis machining of complex workpieces made of advanced materials. With the ULTRASONIC 60 eVo linear and the ULTRASONIC 20 linear, visitors at Innovation Days can see two examples for the innovative machining solution. Both machines rely on a long-term stable gantry machine design, to be able to safely meet all demands of ultrasonic 5-axis machining. Spindle speeds with optionally up to 60,000 rpm, powerful drive motors, and CELOS with apps specifically developed for the ULTRASONIC are all features that users from the fields of optics, precision engineering and clocks, medicine and high precision mold manufacturing will benefit from.
In detail, the ULTRASONIC technology achieves a higher removal volume, more precise edge processing and up to 40 percent reduced process forces during machining of advanced materials like glass, ceramics, sapphire, hard metal and composite materials as well as carbide. The precision of the workpieces and reliability of the process are increased at the same time. Furthermore, the oscillating interruption of the tool contact with the workpiece results in an improved lubrication and cooling of the cutting edges and the optimum removal of stripped particles from the work area. The outcome is longer service life of the tools and excellent surface quality of up to <0.1 µ for hard-brittle high-performance materials.
LASERTEC 3D hybrid: Perfect additive and metal-cutting combination
DMG MORI already revolutionized the additive manufacturing of metal components four years ago by combining laser deposition welding and machining on a single machine. This concept is used in both the 5-axis LASERTEC 65 3D hybrid and the LASERTEC 4300 3D hybrid. It combines laser deposition welding and 6-sided turn-mill machining. Both machines are designed for the manufacturing of comparatively large components such as complex turbine components. Work areas of ø 20 x 16 inches in the case of the LASERTEC 65 3D hybrid and ø 26 x 51 inches for the LASERTEC 4300 3D hybrid speak for themselves as do workpiece weights of up to 1323 lbs. or 1984 lbs.
What is revolutionary about the machine concept of the LASERTEC 3D hybrid series is the diversity of the possible applications. Laser deposition welding and milling or turn-mill operations in a single set-up mean that work pieces can be produced in finished part quality. Whereby the powder nozzle and milling head can also be changed over at any time. Especially where complex geometries are concerned, areas can be machined that would no longer be accessible on the finished part. Such applications are called for in particular in the aerospace, energy, technology and die and mold branches. Added to this is the option of producing innovative components from two or more materials and even graded materials by using different powder nozzles.
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