HSC 55 linear
HSC 55: Highest speed - maximum precision.
Max. X-axis travel
17.7 in.
Max. Y-axis travel
25.6 in.
Max. Z-axis travel
18.1 in.
Max. workpiece diameter
19.7 in.
Max. workpiece height
13.8 in.
Max. workpiece weight
440.9 lbs.
Control & software alternatives
Highest stability and long-term accuracy for Ra < 0.2
- Thermo-symmetrical portal design with solid base frame and lightweight slide units
- Single piece hybrid mineral cast bed with 4-point support
- Water-cooled torque motors in the rotary axes for the best possible surface quality
Spindle portfolio for maximum speed and high accuracy
- HSC spindle with 28,000 rpm / HSK-A63 in basic version (optionally with shaft cooling)
- HSC spindle 40,000 rpm with shaft cooling (HSK-E50)
Designed for maximum productivity
- Unique selling point: Highly dynamic direct drives in all axes
- 2g acceleration and up to 80 m/min rapid traverse
- No open linear guides in the working area
High flexibility and automation capability
- 5-axis precision machine with integrated swivel / rotary axis (A / C axis)
- Tool magazine with 30 places as standard (option: 60 / 120 places)
- Best automation capability - without restricting the accessibility of the workspace
- Universal automation table top with 45 mm additional installation height in the Z direction
Sample applications
Control & software
Integrated digitization of the DMG MORI machines & the shop floor:
- CELOS Machine: APP-based user interface with access to all production-related information
- CELOS Manufacturing: 27 CELOS APPs for the optimal preparation & processing of orders
- Digital Factory: Continuous digital workflows from planning to production & service
Service & training
Downloads & Technical Data
Max. workpiece diameter
19.7 in.
Max. workpiece height
13.8 in.
Max. workpiece weight
440.9 lbs.
Max. X-axis travel
17.7 in.
Max. Y-axis travel
25.6 in.
Max. Z-axis travel
18.1 in.