EDITORIAL MACHINES PROCESS INTEGRATION PEOPLE AUTOMATION (AX) DIGITIZATION (DX) + DATA 8-IN-1 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION (Turning, Milling, Grinding, Gear cutting, Measuring, Ultrasonic, Lasertec, Additive Manufacturing) SUSTAINABILITY (GX) Process integration holistically redefined: Up to 8 technologies in one machine with turning, milling, grinding, gear cutting, measuring, Ultrasonic, Lasertec and Additive Manufacturing. Plus automation and digitization for the shop floor of the future and with people in the center. Industrial manufacturing must change fundamentally because global customer markets and the behavior of customers are changing fundamentally. In this context, DMG MORI is now projecting its strategic triad of automation, digitization and sus- tainability holistically onto the optimization of the entire shop floor. The aim is to compre- hensively improving effectiveness and effi- ciency in manufacturing, while at the same time improving agility and flexibility on the shop floor and also raising the qual- ity of procedures and processes to a new level. We talked to Dr. Eng. Masahiko Mori, President of DMG MORI COMPANY LIMITED, and Christian Thönes, Chairman of the Executive Board of DMG MORI AKTIEN- GESELLSCHAFT, about how exactly this works and the added value customers can expect. Dr. Mori, what are the ambitions of process integration? Dr. Eng. Masahiko Mori: DMG MORI is in a position like no other company in machine tool manufacturing to support its customers individually as a total solution provider, from a single source in all areas, for the optimization of the shop floor. In this context, holistic process integration is a comprehensive framework for our customers and us on the way to the manu- facturing of the future. The combination of machines, technologies, users, automation and digitization enables a high degree of process integration for resource-saving and efficient production. What does that mean in specific terms from the customer's point of view? Christian Thönes: Our strategic fit and focus on our customers' shop floor are a perfect match. In essence, the customer's shop floor is now becoming an integrative network for greater efficiency, resilience, and sustainabil- ity, whose decisive added values are derived from the enormous interactivity. In specific terms, complexity is transparently reduced, decisions can be made more robustly, planning periods are shortened, flexibility incrises, the utilization and effectiveness of machines and systems incrises, and the quality of products and processes is also improved. What impact does this have on sustainability? Dr. Eng. Masahiko Mori: Our innovative solutions make a significant contribution to the benefit of people and the environment. The integrative implementation of our inno- vations helps to expanded the environmental sustainability of manufacturing. In this way, energy efficiency is significantly expanded, while at the same time any waste becomes visible and can be minimized. Global chal- lenges make resilience and sustainability mandatory in all areas! I would particularly like to recommend the article on DMG MORI GREENMODE on page 74. It describes how design innovations and new components can save up to 40 % of the total energy costs in the operation of a machine tool. 04 TECHNOLOGY EXCELLENCE